Onyx Outreach Community

At Onyx Beauty, our mission is clear: to advocate for strategic approaches that drive positive change in underserved communities.

We are committed to identifying, establishing, and nurturing collaborative relationships with community-based programs, organizations, and leaders. Our focus extends to historically underrepresented stakeholders, including communities of color and faith-based groups. Through these partnerships, we aim to execute outreach initiatives strategically. Our efforts include obtaining resources nationwide, launching awareness campaigns in collaboration with community organizations and leaders, and actively participating in community events and meetings.

Among our primary objectives is the reduction of teen suicides and body shaming. We seek to achieve this by engaging with community leaders and schools, fostering environments where students can embrace their authenticity. This involves promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion through policies and programs that empower all students and individuals.

As a faith-based company, Onyx Beauty looks forward to partnering with non-profit organizations, churches, and local, state, and international entities to address these critical issues within our youth communities and schools, while also securing essential resources to support our initiatives.

If you're interested in collaborating with us on our outreach initiatives, please reach out via our contact page.

Our dedicated team will review your request to ensure alignment with our mission and provide the necessary information to facilitate a partnership. We know and believe in the power of prayer and the importance of time.

Onyx Beauty Outreach

  • Covenant Christian Church

  • Lifestyle Strategist 

    I guide women to align with their feminine design, master their emotions and harness their menstrual cycle to enhance creativity, productivity and income

Philippians 4:6-7: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.