Onyx Beauty Founder Testimony

Onyx Beauty was actually birthed 13 years ago in Ocala, Florida! Our Founder & CEO Bashawn Brooks was experiencing one of the worst times of her young career facing discrimination. As she was praying, the spirit of the Lord spoke to her and said, “You are my beloved daughter and my Onyx”! At the time, our Founder did not know what “Onyx” meant. So, yes, she used her Google friend and discovered this: Black Onyx is widely known as a powerful protection stone. Its deep black color is associated with the night, symbolizing strength, perseverance, and the ability to overcome challenges. It is believed to absorb negative energy and provide emotional and physical strength to its wearer. 

She immediately burst into uncontrollable tears! God revealed just what he thought of her and the strength he put within her. This was NOT just for her, but for many “Black” men and women who feel their Blackness is a magnet to pain and discrimination. God sees you a “Powerful”! He created YOU, YES YOU in his likeness and image. We are ALL on race, the HUMAN RACE and should be seen as a refection of God. Diamonds come in many shapes, sizes, colors, and cuts. Still, they are BEAUTIFUL in the collective. Onyx is one of the costliest natural stone countertops due to its rarity. Onyx was one of the special designated stones representing the tribes of Israel on the Ephod, which was worn by the High Priest. Onyx is among the most sought-after ornamental stones in jewelry-making; with its fine texture and rich, deep black color, it has stood out as a prized gem since Antiquity and was particularly stylish in 1930s Art Deco jewelry. 

You are the most sought-after diamond by God! Diamonds must be cut/crafted to see the inner beauty. So, just as a diamond must be molded and cut; so, do you. The cutting is not to hurt you. The cutting is to shape your inner to strengthen you for your next elevation. Without the cutting our diamonds would not be as beautiful as they are today. They would be without shape, form and meaning. Understand that the cut is responsible for the quality of a diamond's sparkle. If a diamond is cut poorly, it will appear dull even if it has a high color and clarity grade. If a diamond is cut well, it will reflect and refract light for maximum brightness and sparkle. 

Diamonds are formed under pressure. One of humans most admired and sought after jewelry is formed under pressure. At extremely high pressures and temperatures, the carbon atoms are squeezed so much that they start touching more atoms. When the pressure is about 50,000 times the pressure at the surface of the Earth and the temperature is about 1600°C, the carbon atoms bond with four other atoms and result in diamonds. Diamonds are made up of billions of carbon atoms and most were formed between one to three billion years ago, deep below the earth's surface under intense heat and high pressure. Older than humankind itself, diamonds are one of nature's most incredible and unique gifts. God is speaking right through the way true and authentic beauty is created. 

Never give up on you! You were created for a purpose and with a purpose, OWN IT! Let us change the world one day at a time, one messages at a time with God. One nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for ALL. This creed should not be spoken but understood for what it really means and work to birth its true meaning. God says in Proverbs 3:15 She is more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare with her. Wisdom is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her. Theres NOTHING more beautiful and precious than YOU! WE LOVE EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU! 

Onyx Beauty 

Bashawn Brooks, Founder

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