Mystery of Prayer

Why pray if God is so powerful? Why pray if He knows all things and my needs?

I’d say: why ask if your father is so wealthy? 

There’s your answer

Prayer is the only thing that manifests everything God is… to you. God can be all that He is to the prayerful. But He will only be “God on The Throne” for the prayer-less. 

God can be everything humanity has never fathomed Him to be - but only to those who are willing to pray. 

The mystery of prayer is that if one acknowledges God, they will see God. What you do not acknowledge, you will not see. No matter how real it may be. 

Nothing shifts without prayer because just as a wealthy parent does not dish out funds without a necessity, neither does God release the unexpected and abundance without prayer! 

Your prayerlessness is keeping you from your abundance

The fullness of God is available; but you must access it. 

Prayer is the way. Acknowledging the Lord and His precious Holy Spirit is the gateway to what God has for you. Pray even when your soul says no. Pray without ceasing! (1 Thessalonians 5:17)

So, pray in Jesus’ name.

And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.” (John 14:13)

God bless, 

Prophet Aldi Essandjo 

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